Sunil K Pandya asked on NMJI "Are Libraries in Our Medical Institutes Dead?"
Badakere Rao responded to it with his memories of physical books.
I had this response:
The article on libraries and your response to it was a sweet read
to me. The school in Mattanur that I studied from 1st standard till 10th
standard had a large library (when I went back last month, it felt
small. Maybe everything was much bigger when we were smaller). If my
memory serves me right it had 4000+ books. The most beautiful thing was
that when any student has a birthday they would celebrate it by donating
a book (or more books) to the library and their names would be
announced in the school assembly. This kept the number of books keep
increasing. Perhaps it became a prestige issue for parents to send only
quality books with their kids for their birthday, because all the books
so donated were usually good and new books. From as far as I remember my
favorite pastime after school (and free hours during school) was to go
to the library, pick up a book, and read. The competition with other
students who used to read more books (by numbers noted in the library
register) only helped propel the habit. When it was time to leave and
the library teacher would come tapping on the shoulder asking me to
leave, I would take the book home if it appeared interesting.
still remember one Sunday when I read The Diary of Anne Franke (C
edition, I think) from cover to cover at home. Now, this book has an
interesting side story that makes libraries not just a collection of
books and something much different from digital book reading devices.
There are a few sections of the diary in which Anne Frank touches upon
sexuality. One particular such page which has some graphic description
(which I do not remember now) was so often read by the library users
that the page had become dog-eared. In fact, you could open the book
randomly and there was a very high chance that page would open up. And I
promise I read that page only a few times. That worn out page perhaps
was a silent broadcast to all the readers of the book about the
curiosity in everyone's mind. There are mechanisms in digital world
which allows people to "scribble on margins" which can be read by other
readers on their digital devices. But I do not think any digital
mechanism can have dog-eared pages.
When I was
in ninth and tenth standard, I had become bored of my school's library.
Also, I would play football right after school and by the time I was
done the school library would have been closed. That is when I
discovered the public library in Mattanur bus stand. More than the books
there, it was the librarian there who I spent time with. He was
preparing for IAS examination and would talk to me about Sweden and
Malayalam literature and so many other things that was happening in the
world. I took War & Peace from this library once and it was so
boring that I never read past the first chapter. Finally when I stopped
going to the library, the book remained in my home's bookshelf for more
than an year. I later got a postcard from a new librarian who wanted the
book back and also made me membership charge for that entire year.
school I did 11th and 12th in also had the ritual of birthday book
donation. And the library there was huge too. But somehow I never used
this library. And of course, there was "entrance coaching" to attend
after school leaving very little time for actually going to the school
Joining Mysore Medical College changed
a lot of my expectations from "education system". A library without
general books was one such new experience for me. Yet, I would frequent
the college UG library. In fact, Swathi and I have spent a lot of
evenings in that library sitting across each other and holding hands
while reading. Sunil's mention of the pleasure in finding a hidden gem
is amazingly accurate. Though MMC library's "gems" were mostly old
editions of Gray's anatomy, I particularly remember one physiology
textbook by Vander which explained some of the concepts in ways nobody
had ever taught me till then. It was one of those treasures you value so
much that you would show it to nobody else and try to hide it in some
corner of the shelf. But fortunately I didn't have to do any of that
because not many of my friends were interested in the library, let alone
a textbook that no teacher had recommended to them.

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